So, I sell blogs. It’s kind of my job to convince you that blogging is essential for your business. 

But that’s not strictly true. 

Blogging is a hugely powerful marketing tool – I’d even say one of the best. But it isn’t right for every business. 

So how do you know if blogging is for you? That’s what I’m going to help you with today. 

Let’s start at the beginning – blog posts can be broken down into two major categories: SEO blog posts and nurture blog posts. 

SEO blog posts are written with the primary purpose of making your site more popular with Google – so you’ll show up for more searches and be higher up the page

Nurture blog posts have a totally different purpose. Their primary function is to build a relationship with your reader – nurturing them, educating them, overcoming objections and nudging them along the sales path a little bit at a time. 

SEO Blogging isn’t ideal for every business. If your customers are not actively searching for what you do then getting higher ranking on Google is kind of a waste of time. You need to be focusing on outreach marketing – rather than inbound. 

But nurture blogging is so versatile and has so many benefits that it’s hard to think of a business it won’t work for. 

So what can nurture blogging do for you? 

  • Educate your market – Help them to understand the things they need to know in order to buy from you. Such as why not to buy cheap, what to look for in a plumber/DJ/accountant etc.

  • Build a relationship with your prospects – People buy from people they know, like and trust. Great blogs build this trust and make your prospects feel like they know you personally, making them much more likely to buy from you. 

  • Overcome common objections – Everyone has objections to buying – it might be price, time or even that they don’t think they need what you’re selling. Blogs are the perfect way to subtly overcome their objections and nudge them towards a sale. 

  • Drive social media traffic to your website – When you share good blog posts on social media people click through and visit your site to read them. Do a great job and they might hang around on your website and read more… 

  • Get you in front of more people on social media – Blog posts that are interesting, engaging and useful get shared. A lot. Getting you in front of more people and increasing your social media presence. 

  • Establish yourself as the go-to expert in your industryPeople want the best. Your blog can establish you as the authority in your field, making you the first choice when they want to buy what you have to offer. 

Sounds pretty great right? 

But that’s not all. When done correctly, a good blog can also improve customer loyalty, increase your repeat sales, boost your bottom line and make selling MUCH easier! 

So Are There Any Businesses That Blogging Doesn’t Work For? 

That’s a good question. 

Blogging will work in one way or another for pretty much any business. But there are some businesses that probably won’t benefit enough to make it worth the time/cost. 

Basically, I’d say blogging isn’t right for you if you meet ALL or MOST of the following criteria: 

  • Your customers don’t search for your product or service on Google. 
  • Your customers don’t spend any time on any social media platforms. 
  • Your customers don’t care about your product/service or the problems they solve. 
  • You don’t want or need to establish yourself or your biz as the expert. 
  • Your prospects don’t have any questions they need answering. 
  • Your customers are a one time sale and you don’t want to build a list. 
  • You sell a super low price product or service and people just want the cheapest option. 

So Is Blogging For You?

As you can see, the answer is probably yes. But you have to do it right if you want to get results.  

Still not sure if blogging is right for your business? Need a little help with your blog content or blogging strategy? Drop me an email at [email protected] and we can schedule a free 20 minute strategy call to find out… 


142 blog post ideas



Struggling to come up with a good content ideas for your blog?

My Trello template board gives you 142 Blog Post Prompts and ideas that can be used for ANY business. 

Fill in the form here and I’ll send access straight to your inbox.

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