Are You Putting Your Whole Ass Into Your Marketing

Are You Putting Your Whole Ass Into Your Content Marketing

Hi, I’m Lucinda.

I’m a content marketing geek. I help businesses to get more inbound leads, improve customer retention and make more repeat sales.

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I went to the gym last night.

I didn’t want to. It was raining and cold and dark. I was tired after a long day of writing, talking to clients and managing the never ending task of stopping my kids from bickering.

Netflix was calling to me…

But I got up off the sofa, squeezed into my leggings and went anyway.

When I got there the gym was nearly empty. Just me and one other dedicated soul pounding away on a treadmill.

It got me thinking about the similarities between content marketing and working out.

Most people who go to the gym have a goal in mind. They probably want to lose weight, increase their strength or bulk up.

To reach that goal you’ve got to actually do the work and you’ve got to show up consistently. That’s where most people go wrong.

Showing up at the gym once a fortnight and doing a half-assed job isn’t going to cut it.

You’ve got put your whole ass into it or you’ll never build momentum and you’ll never make any progress.

You’ve got to be willing to show up three, four or even five times a week, whatever the weather. You’ve got to be willing to do the heavy lifting that brings results.

It’s the same with content marketing.

You probably want to make more sales, build a strong list of fans and drive more traffic to your site.

But knocking out a blog post every few weeks when you can find the time just isn’t enough. Sharing crappy content because it’s all you had chance to throw together is like going to the gym and only lifting a 1kg weight.

You won’t build a strong following and you won’t get the engagement you need to make it work for you.

You’ve got to do the work.

You have to show up online two, three or four times a week.

You’ve got to be consistent, posting high-quality content, sharing and engaging with your following if you want to build momentum.

That’s how you get the amazing results that content marketing has to offer. There is one key difference though.

You can’t outsource working out, but you can with content marketing.

If you don’t have the time, skills or inclination to show up consistently on your blog, social media and other content streams then hire someone to do the job for you.

If only I could do the same with going to the gym…



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