The Reason Your Marketing No Longer Works

The Real Reason Your Marketing No Longer Works.

Hi, I’m Lucinda.

I’m a content marketing geek. I help businesses to get more inbound leads, improve customer retention and make more repeat sales.

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Are you sick of putting your time, money and effort into marketing that used to work but just doesn’t bring home the bacon anymore?

Well, it’s not just you. It’s happening to everyone.

So why are so many campaigns that worked for you before now failing to produce results?

It’s simple really.

The way people buy has changed.

Since the introduction of some pretty cool online marketing techniques (think remarketing, Facebook Ads, You Tube Ads etc) your customers are now bombarded with ads, offers and people them asking to buy their stuff all day long, wherever they go.

People will no longer buy on the first contact so asking them to is just a big fat waste of time, that doesn’t produce sales and in fact pushes your prospects further away.

So what can you do about it?

Well, first of all stop wasting your time and money on Ad campaigns that push for an immediate sale from cold prospects. It very rarely works.

You’ve got to romance them a little bit.

Instead, offer them something of HUGE value and get them on your mailing list. Drive them to your website and drop a few remarketing cookies on them. (If you don’t know what remarketing cookies are you find out in this blog posts here).

By huge value I don’t mean cash, I mean something of huge value to them.

It could be a free E-Book, course or workbook or even just some really great advice. You know your customers, what do they really want?

Once you’ve got them on your mailing & retargeting lists you can then start to communicate with them regularly, each time edging them closer to a sale.

Research shows it takes an average of seven contacts with a prospect before they will buy.

How many contacts do you make?



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