Why Bother Blogging?
To some, a blog might feel like a big fat waste of time. You’re busy enough as a business owner. Why stall yourself by writing something if you don’t know whether people will take the time to read it?
Get blogging wrong (most do) and you’re right, it is wasted time and effort.
But get it right? Well, you could be raking in the prospects and converting sales like there’s no tomorrow!
With the right approach, a blog can become one of the most powerful aspects of your marketing. And here are our top 3 ways a blog can boost your business.
1 – Nurture and Relationships
Writing a blog not only proves your dedication to your industry; it also shows that you are a trustworthy voice in your industry.
And yes, I see you looking sceptical over there.
Think about it from a customer’s perspective. If the business you were THINKING of buying from had taken extra care to write a balanced explanation (in the form of a blog) of their product or service, you would be more likely to trust that they weren’t trying to fleece you.
And it doesn’t stop there. If you write often enough about the subject, the prospects will see your name pop up in the search results and they’ll feel like they already know you – and your expertise.
And as time has (hopefully!) told, people have more space in their hearts for the ones they already know!
2 – SEO
Which leads seamlessly into my next point.
Now, if you’ve been here for a while, you’ll know that SEO is NOT the be-all and end-all of marketing.
That being said, blogs are where it really starts to shine.
SEO falls within a vast digital ocean – and your Home page might not stand a chance swimming against the big boys.
Blogs? Well, that’s a different ball game altogether.
It comes down to fulfilling your Scout promise to Always Be Prepared. Research keywords. And if you find some natural keywords with a high search volume and a low difficulty to rank, tailor your blogs to include that keyword IN THE TITLE.
For example: let’s say you’re redecorating your house and you want new blinds. But you’re thinking: ‘Hmm…maybe curtains would be better’. You’re now torn between the two.
Is your first Google search going to be ‘35mm wood slat blinds’ or is it going to be ‘blinds vs curtains’?
I think we all know that it’s probably the latter…
A blog is a perfect place to demonstrate value to your target market, without them necessarily looking for YOU or YOUR product. So you bring in more organic leads, which means more clients, which means more money.
3 – Knowledge Base
Do your existing clients have a lot of questions before they open their purses for you?
A blog doesn’t JUST bring new people in. It’s also a stellar way to answer your frequently asked questions before any prospects even know they have them! Just watch those objections dissolve as a prospect begins to trust you and your knowledge of how your product works.
Knowledge-based blogs are a benefit to everyone involved. The more your clients know, the less likely they are to fall for misinformation. The less misinformation ranking at the top of their search results, the less you have to answer the same questions over and over again.
It’s a gradual fix – but after a few months of directing leads to your informative blogs, you’ll soon see a boost in your sales with less hesitation from clients.
Blogging Is More Than Just A Bandwagon
Blogging might have started as a fad amongst foodies and travellers of the late 90s, but nowadays it’s one of the most significant tools a business can use. But it can seem daunting – not everyone is a natural writer.
If you want a blog but don’t want to write it, we can write a regular blog that will supercharge your business. Just get in touch to arrange a call.

Fill in the form below to find out why you’re not getting the results you want and what you can do about it!
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