I love Black Friday. Not for the deals. I’m a bit of a minimalist.

But for the hilarious stories that come out of it…and the big boost in sales I experience off the back of my own Black Friday offers. 

I had to research Black Friday stories earlier this week for a blog post I was writing for a client.

My personal favourite? 

The lady who was found stuffing frozen lobster tails down her trousers to smuggle them out of the store…If you’re going to steal, why wait until Black Friday? Stolen stuff is free every day of the year! 

But that’s the point isn’t it? 

The whole concept of Black Friday gets people so hyped up and excited that they forget themselves. They stop making rational decisions and common sense goes out of the window. 

They’re in a buying frenzy.

Toasters, Christmas presents, underwear, snorkelling trips, Donald Trump toilet brushes… you name it, they’ll buy it if you make the right offer. 

That’s the key though. 

The right offer. 

Black Friday shoppers are bargain hunters. 

They want a killer deal. 

Their inboxes are being bombarded with emails offering 30%, 50% or even 75% off everything they could ever want. 

Most small business owners can’t compete with discounts like that. You can’t afford to take a 75% hit. 

So what most business owners do is that make an offer they can afford. But 10% or 25% just won’t cut it. 

Not around Black Friday. 

You make an offer like this and you’ll get laughed all the way into the spam folder. 

You have to be smarter. 

Think harder. 

What can you offer your customers instead of a discount? 

What has a high-value appearance, but actually costs you very little or nothing to deliver? 

Discount if you can, but add value to make your offer irresistible.

That’s how you’ll get results. 

If you need a little help coming up with ideas just drop me an email at [email protected] and I’ll be happy to brainstorm some offers with you. 


25 headline hacks



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